Best Coffee at London Coworking Spaces – Where to Work?

May 18, 2024 / date
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Flowspaces/ Category

If coffee is the one thing that truly gets you out of bed in the morning, then you’re in the right place. To us, coffee is life. Not to be dramatic or anything… But in that case, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice good coffee just because you’re working from the office that day. If anything, the coffee in the office should be worth getting out of bed for, right?!

We’ve mentioned coffee a lot and that’s because we’re lucky enough to know just how important quality coffee is when choosing your coworking space. Not to mention the productivity benefits a little caffeine allows, plus the great conversation and connection that so easily happens over a good cup. 

So, you want the low down on the best coffee at London’s top coworking spaces? Keep on reading!

The importance of brew-tiful coffee in coworking space

Quality coffee is kind of like the whole package; it’s a networking essential and a productivity booster in one. Place some good coffee in a room full of people, buzzing and full of energy to foster meaningful connections, and you’ve got yourself a winning formula. As an ideal icebreaker (“hey, can I grab you a cup?”) as well as a low-pressure form of networking (“let’s chat over a coffee”), having access to quality coffee in your coworking space is not only good for you personally, but professionally too!

It means that you don’t have to move very far whenever you want to have great brainstorming sessions, one-on-one catch ups, or even mini networking meetings with people. You’ll be able to use less of your energy on Googling ‘great coffee places near me’ and instead, use your energy on what really matters; being fully engaged with who you’re speaking to and getting the most out of it. Basically, quality coffee at your coworking space is a timesaver and a lifesaver. You’re welcome.

Top coworking spaces in London for coffee-lovers on their daily grind.

1) Fora 

One of the MANY reasons why we love Fora workspaces is due to their proper understanding of a good ol’ cup of coffee. If anyone does it right, it’s Fora. Trust us. They use Caravan Roasters which offer that delicious, aromatic coffee experience in the comfort of your coworking space. Some of their locations even come equipped with your own barista. Talk about luxury! 

When you’re in a space that boasts unique workstyles in a way that suits you and your team, you can only imagine how seriously they take their coffee responsibilities. Among private meeting rooms, boardrooms, desks, and communal areas, you’ll be able to power through an afternoon of emails or zone into a team brainstorming session, all with the help of a great cup of coffee.

You and your team can book a fab meeting space at one of 70+ Fora workspaces that are on the FlowSpace app! Here are our few faves ones;

2) Homework Workspace Fulham

So maybe you weren’t always a fan of homework growing up, but believe us when we say you’ll enjoy the workspace that is Homework in Fulham. With their breakout spaces and chill out zones to their flexible desks or studio spaces, enjoying a cup of coffee here won’t feel too much like homework.

They have partnered with Penelope Coffee to ensure everyone gets to enjoy premium coffee, whether that’s single origin coffee or maybe a blend, whatever it is that gets your taste buds excited.

3) Huckletree Kensington

Not only is Huckletree Kensington a beautiful workspace for you and your team to thrive in, they offer a ground floor cafe to enjoy that first cup in the morning (or that second cup, or third… we get it)

The cafe is also the perfect place to host guests or clients and connect over some glorious coffee. The in-house barista will make sure to leave you wanting more, only extending your networking opportunities and the satisfaction of your clients and team members. You really just can’t go wrong with a good cup of coffee!

4) Techspace Worship Street

Last on our list (but definitely not least and definitely not your last option – there’s many more where these came from) is Techspace Worship Street. Beloved for their members cafe that is not only extremely charming but also offers some palette-tantalising coffee!
Their vast options of meeting rooms and lounges can also be enjoyed with said coffee, either from the cafe or from the numerous coffee machines scattered around. You really can take your pick and make the office your comfortable home away from home.

What makes a great coworking coffee spot?

We’ve emphasised the importance of great coffee, but when it comes down to it, what really makes a good coworking coffee spot stand out amongst some average coworking coffee spots? Well, there are a couple of factors.

Many coworking spaces are partnered with premium coffee roasters and brands that work hard to bring in quality coffee beans that pride themselves on extraordinary taste. This in itself is huge because you know when you get out of bed that morning, the first sip of coffee is going to make the commute SO WORTH IT.

It’s also important to have options, which most of the premium coffee roasters will provide. This benefits you, as well as any guests or clients you might be hosting.

Another big factor on the list is the presence of a barista. It’s one thing when you can make your own delicious coffee using a high quality coffee machine provided with those high quality beans, but when there’s a trained professional on the job, well something about that just makes the coffee taste better…

And lastly, the sustainability and ethical sourcing of said coffee beans definitely affects how you feel when you drink it. When you know that the coffee roasters work in a sustainable way, ensuring recyclable packaging and fair farming practices to name a few, that’ll add another tick to the box of a great coworking coffee spot.

Coffee-related events and networking.

We mentioned what a great catalyst coffee is for fostering connections and networking purposes, but maybe you’re still wondering how something as small as a cup of coffee can have such a big impact. Sure, it seems a bit silly at first but when you really think about it, coffee can bring people together.

So many networking events have taken place around breakfast round tables where professionals get to share insights and personal experiences over – you guessed it – cups of coffee! There’s even options like coffee-tasting and barista courses that can be used as event ideas to bring people together and allow for great relationships to form, before, during, and after.

A cup of coffee in hand is such a simple action that may be looked past but, in reality, it can be the stepping stone to reaching the next level in your journey with others.

These coffee-centred activities are great for networking purposes obviously, but even for team building exercises to bring you and your team closer together.

Burning coffee questions.

As with everything else in life, the cost of a good cup of coffee has naturally increased. It’s sad but true. That’s one of the reasons we love a coworking space that offers premium coffee on site. More often than not, the coffee will either be free (yay, go you!) or it’ll be discounted because of your membership.

When you’ve found yourself comfortable and settled into a coworking space that meets your needs, you’ll soon fall in love with the coffee culture and all the benefits we’ve touched on. As far as coffee prices go, you and your guests will be able to thoroughly enjoy delicious cups of coffee that won’t cost you an arm and a leg. If anything, you might have to rethink your 4th, 5th, or 6th cup of the day (but again, we get it! When it’s good, it’s gooood.)

To finish off, we hope you found this a whole latte helpful.

We will never stop with the coffee puns, sorry not sorry. But for real, it’s clear that good coffee is more than just a cup of hot liquid. It’s a pathway to great relationships, opportunities, and groundbreaking ideas. Choosing a workspace that offers high quality coffee is only going to accelerate that for you. So, choose wisely and don’t pro-caffeinate!